Monday 19 April 2010

Document Design: Salience

Lets start with the simple definition of document design, According to Bastoky, on its quotes from Shriver's book Dynamics in Document Design, document design is a field that contains integration between images and words that help the audiences to use it principles correctly. each and every document designer will try top create nor designing their document in such manner so that it will attract readers attention. However, Theory is not the same as practices; even though it would seem easy to design a document, many matters and things have to be taken as consideration to produce an interesting and appropriate document that will attract readers. Putting plenty of pictures and minimize the amount of words for example; by doing this it will prevent the unnecessary distraction from the readers; as quoted from Nielsen (1997) who states that people usually will only scan a page of text without read the entire sentence inside. Another factors that needs to taken as a consideration would be the background colors and the font; as a contrast background color and font color will help the reader to read the content thoroughly and a clear-cut heading will help the reader to distinguish which topic are they in. According to Krees and van Leeuwen (1998), the readers can 'weight' their assesment in a variety of elements of the layout, such as foreground or background, relative size, contrasts in tonal value or color, differences in sharpness.
Example for document design

Few examples on my slides:

(Slide 1)

(Slide 2)

(Slide 3)

As you can see I applied the principles of Nielsen of "Credibility is an Important Issue".
I believe I put all the proper references (through oxford referencing) and provided link for the picture on the third slide.

On the application of Salience take for example the third slide,
I purposely took the picture on the centre of the slide, contrasted, and enlarged, proportionately to highlight that part of the slight. So that it becomes the centre of the idea for my audience as I presentate.

Reference List

Bastoky n.d., Fundamentals of Document Design, Online, viewed 17 April 2010,

Kress, G & Leeuwen, T 2009, Reading Images, 2nd edn, Roudledge, New York.
Nielsen, J 1997, How Users Read on the Web, Online, viewed 17 April 2010,

Kress, G. & van Leeuwen, T. 1998. “Front pages: The critical analysis of newspaper layout”, in COMM 1033. (UNISA electronic library)

Nielsen, J 1997, Writing for the Web, Online, viewed on 17 April 2010,

New form of media publising

The emerging of technology in communication has caused many issues in the media ecosystem. According to Parr (2009), journalism has undergoing a massive change, which is moving from newspaper towards the webs. Nowdays, Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter are examples of three very popular sites visited by millions each day. Facebook and Youtube is the second and third most popular site listed on According to Zuckerberg (2009), facebook now serves 300 million people across the world. Usually facebook is used for socialization, finding friends, sharing photos, and others. But now, more sophisticated uses are common, such as the use of facebook for social cause campaigning.

Take for example: Earth Hour facebook. The use of this new form of media is beneficial as obviously millions of internet users would become aware of the arranged date from their daily exposure to facebook, without saying this is a very effective tool for publication, there are not many other sites they can publicize the event on besides Facebook, certainly not as popular.

Naughton (2006) stated an old media will have to accommodate themselves or even creating a beneficial relationships to newcomer media that has arrived in our media ecosystem. So this new publishing media such as Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter can attract more reader to aware about earth hour.

Reference List

Zuckerberg, M 2009, 'The Facebook Blog' Online, viewed 16 April 2010,

Parr, B 2009, 'Facebook and Journalism: What You Should Know [Audio]', Online, viewed 16 April 2010,

Naughton, J. 2006, Blogging and the Emerging Media Ecosystem,Blogging and the Media Ecosystem, pp. 1-10.

Thursday 15 April 2010

Blogs Communities and Methods

The era of an online communities have begun all over the world and social networking site have sprouted all over the place like Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and etc. If we go through the meaning of 'online communities' the definition would be as what White (2006) states, an online community is a place for those who interacted online within some technologies boundaries he also characterized the blogging communities into three major parts:
  • Single blogger centric communities: this is a community that established for those primary blogger. It is a community which develops around single blogger.
  • Topic centric communities: community that arises between blogs linked by a common passion or topic.
  • Boundaried communities: collection of blogs and blog readers hosted on a single site or platform.
Networking site maybe one of the example of the online communities in this world but blog is on the rise to be one of the site where the users are able to do more than sharing ideas, interest, hobby and idea's sharing but also blog is a place where the single users blog are able to introduce their companies for business purposes and relate their blog with another to create a wide network of society which called as a 'topic centric community'. This so called 'Topic Centric Community' enables the user to create other people's blog links or tag a link into their weblog to form a group, and enables the group to comment, chat, interact, photo tagging, links posting and video sharing to form a wide 'idea-exchanging' communities where everyone can benefits from.

(Blog centric community)

(Topic centric community)

(Boundaried community)

According to Rowse (2009), there are 8 tips to build blogging community:
  1. Start with comments
  2. Reader centered posts
  3. Interactive tools and projects
  4. Invite reader generated content
  5. Become a cheer leader
  6. Give readers jobs
  7. Set reader homework
  8. Give multiple avenues to join or be a member
Reference List:
White, N (2006), ‘Blogs and community-launching a new paradigm for online community?’, Australian Flexible learning framework, viewed 15 April 2010,

Rowse, D (2009) , '8 Tips for Building Your Community on Your Blog', viewed 15 April 2010,

Blog Classifications

Classifies a blog is getting more and more complex nowadays from food, travel, etc; but to make an easy blog classification will require more than a type-classification, but to differentiate on the appropriate category a blog type falls in:
By Genre:

By Media Type:
- Vlog (Video Log) - blog with a collection of video.
- Linklog (Link Blog) - blog with a consist of link.
- Sketchblog - blog with contains sketch inside.
- Tumbleblog - blog with many media types.
- Photoblog - blog with a collection of photo.

By Device:
- Moblog (Mobile Phone Blog)

By Status of Publisher:
- Personal Blog - blog with use for ongoing diary, share experience. most common blog.
- Corporate Blog - blog with use for private and business purpose.








However, Simons (2008), an author and media analyst from Australia classifies the blog differently by dividing down into 9 different categories:
  1. Pamphleteering blog
  2. Advocacy blog
  3. Popular mechanics blog
  4. Digest blog
  5. Exhibition blog
  6. Diary blog
  7. Advertisement blog
  8. Gatewater blog
  9. News blog
It's hard to difine the classifications of blog, because it depends on what the blogger want to write and what the people need. The writer must know how to classify their blog, so it can help readers to find what they want easily.

Reference List

Simons, M 2008, A Taxonomy of Blogs, Online, viewed 15 April 2010,

Blogs as The Current Phenomenon, Benefits?

According to Technorati (2009), the number of blogs created and published have rapidly increasing rapidly in numbers and proofing than it is the current phenomenon today. more than 133,000,000 blogs have been indexed by Technorati since 2002 and it is inevitably becoming a lifestyle since 77% of Internet users read blogs according to Universal McCann. Another statistics that we retrieve from Technorati would be 2/3 of professional bloggers are male, and 60% are between 18 – 44 years old. 75% have college degrees, and 40% have graduate degrees. Half have household incomes of $75,000 or more. 17% of them say blogging is their primary source of income.

This statistics may be another boring statistics that you may found in other aspects but, the fact that blogging have evolved from a mere 'diary' for geeks into a way to get another source of income have sure exposing its benefits to many youngsters today.

Let's take this Indonesian blogger, Raditya Dika. He started just as a normal blogger and due to
the increased of his blog popularity, he ended up as a celebrity in Indonesia and nominated as the
Best Blogger in 2003. Although this is a rare case where a normal blogger ended up as a Celebrity
in some country, blogging itself have shown its various benefits through different use of blog itself.

Reference List

Technorati 2009, State Of The Blogosphere: The Full Blog World Presentation, viewed 15 April 2010,

Dika, R 2010, 'Kambing Jantan', Raditya dika dan hal absurd lainnya, online, viewed 15 April 2010,

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Purpose of This Blog

Hi readers.. I'm Vincent.

The purpose of this blog is to stress the importance of design and publication to public with young people as our target audiences and also for people who take COMM 1043 as one of their subject as well as the teaching staff; with hope to generate an adequate argument that may arise from the target audiences through the comment box available.

Feel free to express your opinion and enjoy this blog, Thank you.