Tuesday 15 June 2010

My Reflection

Finally i finish my blog assignment. This is my first blog. After i finish this assignment, i feel i get a lot of benefit of blogging. This assignment open my eyes about the power of new media. I have learned a lot of this of this assignment for example, now i know the basic key elements of salience, framing, and informational value (Kress & van Leeuwen, 2006). I also learn about how we need to know about people with different background and ethics who read my blogging, so i need to know the element of ethical blogging (BookRags, 2005).
My blog combine image and text together, so it easier to help audience know about what we want to tell the audience (Schriver, 1997). Text and image have a strong relationship between each other. For all people who read my blog, feel free to comment because your comment can help me to improve my skill on blogging.
Thank you to Miss. Jenny who teach me to do blogging. ^^


Schriver,KA 1997,' Dynamics in Document Design: creating Text fro readers', Wiley Computer Publisher , New York.

BookRags 2005, Multi-racial Society, viewed online on 12 June 2010, http://www.bookrags.com/essay-2005/2/26/6366/41166

Kress, G & van Leeuwen, T 2006, "Reading Images: Grammar of Visual Design," Routledge, London

Suharto and the Last Supper Controversies

As it is displayed as the ‘Tempo’ magazine cover of a picture resembling da Vinci’s Last Supper illustrating Suharto (Indonesia’s second president) as ‘Jesus’ in the middle. This act has force the MBM Tempo Chief Editor Toriq Hadad to apologize to all the Christian community in respond of their protest to clarify that they did not have any intention to insult Christian community and promise that in the future they will be much more careful; as a further act, they have withdrawn all of the magazine issues for that period. As it is proven, religion has been a very sensitive issue no matter neither parts of them are being discussed or being displayed. It influences what people see, their characteristic, their culture, and many other things (Colzato, 2008).

Reflecting the sensitivity of people and what Tempo did, it is not very wise of them displaying such religious object upon a renowned magazine in Indonesia. Even though they didn’t mean to insult the community, some people might translate their intention differently as Jesus is being compared with Suharto (with a history of corruption who has not been completely solve until today and used to be the dictator leader for 32 years). This case makes many Indonesians angry toward Tempo and expresses their feeling through the Internet (Arief, 2008). These issues are often occurred in the field of media broadcasting; which, the media firm must be able to follow the existing regulations and rules before they publish something. The world is 99 percent populated by multi-racial countries, where people will brawl and mixed together regardless which ethnics they are in (BookRags, 2005) thus, it is very important to consider other people feeling, taught, culture, and believes before we did something that will cross the border. Framing also played an interesting role into the illustration. Framing connects or disconnects certain composites in a document. Framing an element will make readers pay more attention to that element. (Kress & van Leeuwen, 2006) Suharto is framed around by his family members who are all looking at him with ‘awe’ on their faces. This draws attention to Suharto making him appear important.

Importance element on a document is based on where the element is placed in the document.(Kress & van Leeuwen, 2006) Suharto placed in the middle of the cover, it make Suharto is the most important object on the cover, same with Jesus Christ on the original picture.


ABC News 2008, Indonesian weekly apologises over Last Supper Suharto cover, viewed online on 12 June 2010, http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/02/06/2156269.htm

Arief 2008, Majalah Tempo Diminta Copot Cover Edisi Khusus Soeharto, viewed online on 12 June 2010, http://www.kompas-tv.com/content/view/465/2/

BookRags 2005, Multi-racial Society, viewed online on 12 June 2010, http://www.bookrags.com/essay-2005/2/26/6366/41166

Colzato, L 2008, ‘Religion influences what people see’, in Universiteit Leiden, viewed online on 12 June 2010, http://www.news.leiden.edu/news/religion-influences-what-people-see.html

Kress, G. & van Leeuwen, T. 1998. “Front pages: The critical analysis of newspaper layout”, in COMM 1033. (UNISA electronic library)

What is eBook?

Media of communication and information providing has evolved following the trail of modern are, Internet. It simply made our life easier, on business competition for example; it is necessary for the industry to utilize internet to promote their product. For example, Music industries who sell music tracks online (iTunes) and also book industries (eBook)

Source: Orionwell

What is eBook? “E” stand for Electronic so this mean eBook is an electronic version of a traditional print book that can be read by using a computer or by using an eBook reader. Electronic books can downloaded freely or most commonly at a low costs, but for the most bestseller book, eBooks have a same price with the original hardcopy print books. Commonly electronic book saved as a PDF file so it make easier people to download and PDF is compatible with most of operating system

EBook is easily be used from varieties age types from kids, teenagers, and adults. Usually EBook good for people with busy life style because with eBook, we are able to find information more specific and instantly. Example for eBook readers is iPad, with iPad we can search book that we want to read, which we can download it and save it into iPad eBook application, so we can read that book with iPad every time and everywhere. In eBook reader, we not only can save 1 book but we can save hundreds to thousands of book, depending on how big our space for the eBook readers.

Another type for eBook is Online Libraries. An online library provides an internet access for soft copies of publishing for everyone that interested to subscribe. The system would work by letting you open any file inside when you subscribe for the membership; unlike buying books physically. They also provide cataloguing support to make search easier, such it is useful for students and lecturers alike (Bruno, 2010).

EBook vs. Hardcopy print book

  • eBook able to store thousands of books inside.
  • eBook easy to carry.
  • Hardcopy printed book need more space compared to eBook readers.
  • Using eBook is cheaper cost-wise since downloading is cheaper than purchasing books physically.
  • Not all books are available to download.
  • Hardcopy printed book are fragile compared to eBook.


Bruno, G n.d., The Definition of an Integrated Online Library System, EHow, viewed online on 12 June 2010,


Ebook Template Source 2009, What is an Ebook, viewed online on 12 June 2010,


Search Mobile Computing 2000, eBook, viewed online on 12 June 2010, http://searchmobilecomputing.techtarget.com/definition/eBook.

Will newspaper industry sink without trace?

The emerge of bloggers can be interpreted as a threat or opportunity for printing media industries as information flows immensely , people will understand the content easily; looking at the fact that languages nowadays are much more ‘edible’ as people are getting more and more educated. But as we look through the public perspective we are often presume that this newspaper is under threat and believed that it will face their extinction, would all the giants in this industry let it happen? The answers will be “NO”, for this printing media industry this emerging bloggers in their market will not worry them too much, based on personal experience of reading the information from newspaper compare with post from the blogger internet, newspaper and magazine are highly favourable and preferable comparing it with blogs. There are some reasons which I can explain why to any readers of my blog.

Source: Artsjournal

First reason is the validity of the sources. When we read a blog the post immediately posted after the events have occurred and inevitably we will only received rough information coming from a single perspectives. We will not aware nor know what exactly is happening, the reasons behind it and etc. What we know is only the information from the bloggers point of view. The reasons is because there is no such rules in blogging that can control the fake information, you can post anything that you feel comfortable and sometimes biased.

Last reason, is the language that their used. Is if often bloggers are using informal language or even inappropriate languages in some cases. Due to the tight competition between bloggers to post a new post faster than any other, they will write in a short form and include some slang where some people will not understand the meaning of it exactly.

Back to the printing media industries, they saw that opportunities to bring this bloggers from amateur to the professional journalists. For example, the NY Times hired Brian Stelter, a young blogger on TVNewser.com the moment he graduated from college. (Glaser, 2008). So now on, since this emerge of blogging is booming, that means printing media industries need to seek an opportunity to target the internet readers, so the ship of these industries will not sink. Even though one of the company is a leader in market it hard to change the culture. The daily work flow of most newspaper employees is organized around the central event of the daily press deadline (Josefowicz, 2009). It will take times for them to invent the best way of productive efficiency in this opportunity.

However, bloggers also realize these strategies of company that offer them to join this opportunity, some of bloggers that have academy skills in journalist and eager to stay independent. They now try to do editing of their post so they can reach the same level of journalistic standard and they can continue battle with printing media information. For example, GigaOm, a blog based in Silicon Valley now edits 80% of its reports before being publishing them in order to obtain a higher level of accuracy and credibility than a usual blog (Glaser, 2008).


Glaser, M 2008, ‘Distinction Between Bloggers, Journalists Blurring More Than Ever,’ viewed online on 12 June 2010,


Josefowicz, M 2009, The Fallacy of the ‘Print Is Dead’ Meme, Mediashift, viewed online on 12 June 2010,


iPad: Revolutionary Gadget

Source: Apple.com

iPad is one of the most greatest technology that has been developed nowadays. It is a new innovative tablet computer launched by Apple. Since its release on April 2010, Apple has managed to sell around 2 million of iPads. iPad according to Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, is a fractious between smart phones and computer. iPad runs an upgraded version of iOs and controlled by a multi-touch fingertips. In a connectivity purpose, iPad use Wifi network in a combination with 3G data services. iPad does able to connect via dock connector while they do have neither Ethernet networking nor USB ports.

Source: Apple.com

The ability of iPad to combine most of the digital entertainment nowadays has enable them to claimed themselves as one of the most revolutionary tablet computer. As previous products from Apple like iTouch and iPhone, iPad allows us to play music, photos access and connectivity through social networks, ebook, Google maps and million other applications. As one of the main objectives of iPad is to create your life much easier, you can keep online just in your hand. iPad claimed to be a revolutionary tablet computer with fast processor, perfect dimensions, stellar video playback, web surfing and email functionality well exceeds the previous iPhone. According to Walsh 2006, iPad is a form of multimodality with more than one mode. iPad using the combination between images, sound and text, but some analyst argue that iPad has far away from perfect as they are lack of flash support, multitasking, camera for video chat and the virtual keyboard doesn’t have layout options.

For those who consider buying the new revolutionary iPad, it will cost you around $499 for 16 GB, $599 for 32 GB and $699 for 64 GB. Most people believe that the capacity of the iPad is another issue whereby it’s not enough for keeping songs, videos or any other applications on their hand. iPad uses like 2GB for their operation system and 10 GB for other necessary software. Another fact that iPad don’t have external memory slot which making the buyer to think twice before buying this product.


Arisel, 2010, 'Apple iPad: Advantages and Disadvantages’, HubPages, viewed 11 June 2010.


Walsh, M 2006, ‘Textual Shift: Examining the Reading Process with Print, Visual and Multimodal

Texts’, Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, vol. 29, no.1, p.24-37.

Grabham, D & Rivington, J 2010, Apple iPad 3G review, Techradar, viewed online on 11 June 2010
